How will I know if I get a grant? You will be informed via your account and the email details you supplied in your application if you are successful and are to be awarded funding.
How long is the grant for? A grant made will be provided in a single lump sum payment unless you are advised otherwise. In certain exceptional circumstances, depending on its assessment of the phasing of expenditure associated with your activities or initiative, the Trust may decide to make a grant award via stage payments; advising a payment schedule with confirmation of your award. In this case you will be required to issue summary evaluation reports annually, in accordance with the Trust’s Terms and Conditions, to ensure all scheduled payments are made.
How will the grant payment be made? Payment will be made by bank transfer to the bank account of the applicant organisation. Details of the organisation’s bank account should be provided via the Trust’s website when requested. The bank account must be controlled by the applicant organisation’s managing Board or Committee.
Can I apply for another grant? Yes, whether or not you received a grant award in response to your initial application, you may submit another request to the Trust. The Trust does though seek to balance the support it provides to organisations and qualifying categories of activity.
We don’t agree with the decision the Trust has made regarding our application? All grants are awarded entirely at the discretion of the Trustees whose decision is final. The Trust receives a large number of applications and due to limited resources cannot enter into correspondence with applicants about decisions it has made regarding their applications, or provide feedback on applications following its decisions.
Why might our application have been rejected if the preliminary eligibility criteria were met? There are a number of reasons why applications for a grant may be rejected or indeed only some of the funds requested actually awarded. These include an oversubscription of applications in a particular category, an existing or pending high level of Trust support for similar organisations or initiatives, poor qualitative aspects of an application relative to other applications - that may inadequately make the case for the requested funds, that information provided does not support the case for the requested funds or that the detailed aims and objectives of the activity or initiative are insufficiently aligned with those of the Trust when considered in isolation or relative to other recent applications.
Are there any conditions attached to the grant award? You should review the Trust’s Terms and Conditions provided on this website to familiarise yourself with the obligations associated with your application and the acceptance of any grant award. Any award made must be used for the purposes detailed in the application. Other specific conditions include a requirement to confirm receipt of any grant award and the issue of a summary report - including pictures if available - describing the delivery of your activity or initiative. When making an application you will be required to give consent for the content of this summary report - as well as your organisation’s name and logo - to be used by the Trust in its public relations work, including publication via the News and Case Study section of this website.
Why is a report on activity required? So that the Trust can establish that the financial support it provides is being appropriately used and is delivering benefit to the local community. The report submitted will also be considered in case of any future application for funding to the Trust.